Please find the materials for the Mock Study Section below (Health Services Research Groups 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8).
Note: Please make sure to download or print the about materials before to course.
The goal of the mock study section session is to teach participants how grants are evaluated. K and R grants, some of which have been funded and others that have not been, have been assigned to each group. Course participants have been assigned as primary, secondary and tertiary discussants of these grants. Please reference your email for your assigned roles.
It is expected that the course participants carefully read and evaluate the grants assigned to them according to the template and scoring guidelines given to them.
During the study section, the chair will lead the discussion using a format similar to what is used in actual study sections:
- Faculty will ask for preliminary overall impact scores from the primary, secondary and tertiary reviewers.
- The primary reviewer will a give concise summary of the proposal and highlight its major strengths and weaknesses.
- The secondary reviewer will then briefly point out areas of agreement and disagreement with the primary reviewer, and discuss additional strengths and weaknesses.
- The tertiary reviewer(s) will briefly point out additional strengths and weaknesses not covered by the first two reviewers.
- The chair will ask the primary reviewer whether appropriate protections are in place for animals and human subjects as indicated.
- The chair will then open the floor for discussion by other group members.
- The primary, secondary, and tertiary reviewers will then state their final overall impact scores.