Make a contribution to the AAS Foundation or SUS Foundation below!

Mission Statement: The mission of the Association for Academic Surgery Foundation is to foster improved care of surgical patients by supporting and encouraging young surgeon scientists.
The Association for Academic Surgery Foundation (AASF) is committed to supporting the advancement of surgical care by providing resources and education to young surgeon scientists. We focus our efforts on championing surgeons at the outset of their careers, providing opportunity and encouragement in the form of awards and fellowships. We believe that our support of academic surgeons can be a springboard to a career of scientific inquiry, leading to discoveries which move surgical care forward, and make a difference in patients’ lives every day.
To achieve our mission the Association for Academic Surgery Foundation works to offer as many research awards as possible to young faculty and fellows. By fostering young surgeon scientists through our awards programs, the AASF is working to safeguard surgical research today and in the future.

Mission Statement: The mission of the Society of University Surgeons Foundation (SUSF) is to promote academic surgery through the support of surgical science and education. By fostering the activities of the SUSF, enhanced quality and advancements in surgical care will be realized for all.
The Society of University Surgeons Foundation is dedicated to preserving and advancing surgical education throughout the United States, allowing surgeons to pursue a career in academic medicine to benefit current and future patients. It’s widely known that the United States is rapidly losing its competitive edge in surgical scientific breakthroughs and advances due to diminishing federal funds and the impact of managed care, among other factors. Thankfully, the SUSF maintains an active pulse on the trajectory – and works diligently with your support to ensure surgeons are afforded opportunities to shift the paradigm. As such, tax-deductible gifts and grants to the SUSF – used to support a variety of fellowships and scholarships – are derived from corporations, foundations, grateful patients, and individual gifts of Society members. Continued support ensures that the SUSF can continue its mission to advance and support the art and science of surgery. Please give generously!